It's been a while since I've been on my blog so lots to update on. Most people have a break over summer but laineys cakes has been super busy! Am still loving the stall. Fitting it in around my full time job is sometimes tricky but its all worth it once I'm behind my little pitch, with my pinny on and my bunting blowing in the breeze! Its also a great way to promote laineys cakes wider than my friends and family and I've started to increase the orders coming in from people I'm not already in touch with. Have done a couple of bespoke orders over the past few months, including a wedding, charity event and more recently - a birthday box with a company logo. This was for the lovely Reem and Jenai (Jenai's birthday) - locals to Archway and very talented designers who have kindly offered to help with building me a website. Am super excited about the next step of building up my little enterprise and have already talked about lots of ideas to help promote my wee business. I'll be keeping everyone up to date with progress on here - so watch this space!
Have also fully launched the idea of names for my cakes. Instead of ordering a 'chocolate' or 'carrot' cake - customers get to choose their cake by a name. On the stall this week we had the tempting 'Lucinda' (a lovely looking white chocolate and raspberry cupcake), the familiar 'Bob' (a chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream) and a new flavour 'Daisy' (a citrus sponge of orange and lemon with lemon topping). I'm enjoying thinking up new names to go with the flavours but trying to decide whether they should stay the same or if I should regularly change them....it was lovely and funny to hear people ask for '2 Bob's please' or 'I'll take a Lucinda and a Daisy'. Cute though and part of my idea for laineys cakes is the whole experience. I want everyone having one of my creations to enjoy the process - not just the taste but the choosing, taking it away and tasting!
As well as bespoke orders keeping me busy, I got to try out the cakes at a different venue when I sold from The Lock Tavern, Camden last Sunday. Very different environment, but they went down well and it seems a cupcake is the perfect way to end a Sunday Roast in the local boozer while watching some great bands. They sold out in about 2 hours and people were coming back for more! (probably something to do with the alcohol....). Might be a regular thing and was thinking next time, I could do some cocktail inspired cupcakes. Going to make a batch this weekend to try out on friends before I release on the general public.