Sunday, 30 May 2010

It's a family affair!

So. Laineys cupcake stall is becoming a bit of a family affair. I've got cake stands from Nana Winne and Auntie Marilyn. Chef jacket from Mum and Dad. And yesterday, my new favourite thing. A tea cosy - handmade by Aunt Marjorie. No sooner had it gone out on the stall as another 'prop', a passer by stopped and asked how much it was. My glare of 'back right off' seemed to do the trick. It didn't help that I'd been standing in the cold and wet for over 2 hours, having sold only a handful of cakes, and she was asking me about my newly acquired cosy! If you're not buying cakes...move along!
Tried a new display yesterday, using little saucers to sit one of each flavour on and then writing out the sponge/topping detail for people to match up with the rest of the display. Seemed to work although people still get pretty confused! Even though it was a cold and rainy day, and I didn't quite manage to sell out, it was still relatively successful and lots of nice comments again. No friendly faces though so please come by next trade day if you're free...will be there on Saturday 12th June (yes...I know...England's first World Cup game but that's not until the evening and I may even do some football inspired cupcakes for the WAG's!)